应用医疗的放射科在巴克斯利提供全面的尖端门诊和住院诊断成像服务, all right here in Appling County. Whether you need an MRI, CT, 3D mammogram, ultrasound or X-ray, 万博买球世界杯很自豪能够提供领先的技术和专家团队,为您提供贴心的服务.

Our state-of-the-art machines not only offer superb image quality, 但也都因其以病人为中心的设计,提供最大的舒适度而受到高度评价.

apple Healthcare的高技能技术人员与您的医疗服务提供商密切合作,确保您获得尽可能准确和及时的诊断. 万博买球世界杯的放射科人员24/7全天候工作,始终专注于尽快为您提供最佳图像.

您的图像由南乔治亚放射学集团的高素质专业医生阅读. Their report will be sent to your ordering provider.

Our imaging services:

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

An MRI is a non-invasive diagnostic test that produces detailed, high-resolution images of the inside of your body. An MRI does not use radiation. Instead, the machine uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves. 扫描可以用来诊断和监测许多可能影响你器官的健康状况, bones and tissues. The MRI at Appling Healthcare’s Radiology Department is a Toshiba Titan MRI, which is specially designed with a focus on patient comfort. The opening is larger; wide enough to accommodate patients of all sizes or anyone who is uncomfortable in tight spaces. Appling Healthcare’s MRI machine is also incredibly quiet due to its Pianissimo technology, which reduces noise levels by 90 percent. Patients also receive headphones and have their choice of music through XM radio.  LEARN MORE

CT (Computerized Tomography)

CT扫描是一种非侵入性诊断测试,通过围绕身体旋转来获取横断面图像.  These images are then combined by computer to create a detailed, 3D view (slices) of your organs, tissues and bone. A CT scan shows much more than a typical x-ray.  It can diagnose cancer and other internal problems. During this procedure, the patient lies on a table that slides into the CT machine. The scanner itself is shaped like a ring.

Appling Healthcare’s CT is a Neuviz 64 slice scanner. This is an invaluable diagnostic tool that is incredibly fast and accurate, resulting in higher quality images and  a lower dose to patients. Each time the scanner spins around the body, it collects 64 slices of data.

This scanner, which can accommodate patients up to 600 pounds, delivers a more comfortable and pleasant patient experience. The entire procedure takes approximately 20 minutes. LEARN MORE

Cardiac CT for Calcium Scoring

苹果医疗公司的CT机在诊断心脏病方面也具有卓越的成像能力. One special and invaluable procedure is the Cardiac CT for Calcium Scoring. 这是一种10-15分钟的无创扫描,可以检查你动脉中胆固醇的积累和硬化斑块. The screening can detect coronary artery disease before symptoms occur. By catching heart disease early, 你可以采取预防措施来降低心脏病发作和心源性猝死的风险. This screening is available for $99. LEARN MORE

3D Mammography

Using the latest technology from G.E.在美国,苹果医疗保健公司能够提供3D乳房x光摄影,也被称为乳房断层合成. 3D乳房x光检查可以让医生一层一层地检查你的乳房组织和所有的细节. 

So what’s the difference between a standard 2D mammogram and a 3D mammogram? Think of it like a book. With the 2D, you can only see the book cover. However, with the 3D, you’re able to open the book and look at individual pages. 

3D乳房x光片更准确,为检测肿块和囊肿提供了更好的分辨率, which is especially helpful in women with dense breast tissue. 这台机器的先进成像技术也有助于减少病人被叫回去做额外检查的机会. The process of getting a 3D mammogram is the same as a 2D mammogram; no additional compression is required. LEARN MORE


A DEXA Scan is an imaging test that measures your bone density or strength. 万博买球世界杯放射科提供这种最先进的骨扫描,以确定您的骨质疏松症(骨质流失)或骨折的风险. DEXA, which stands for dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, uses very little radiation and is a painless, non-invasive procedure. 

During the DEXA scan, you will lie comfortably on a padded table while the scanner passes over your body, imaging your hip and spine areas. Our technologist will be in the room with you, just a few feet away. The scan takes approximately 10 to 20 minutes. 


  • Women 65 years and older
  • Men 70 and older
  • Men or women who break a bone after age 50
  • Women of menopausal age with risk factors
  • Postmenopausal women under 65 with risk factors
  • Men 60 to 69 with risk factors

LEARN MORE from the National Osteoporosis Foundation about who should have a DEXA scan.


An ultrasound, or sonogram, is a procedure that uses harmless, 在不使用辐射的情况下,利用高频声波捕捉人体软组织和内脏的图像. An ultrasound may be ordered for a wide range of areas to include obstetrics, gynecology, musculoskeletal, abdominal, vascular, and other soft tissues. 

To begin the exam, 你通常会躺在一个有垫的检查台上,一种透明的凝胶被涂在要检查的区域的皮肤上. This gel helps in the transmission of the sound waves. 然后,万博买球世界杯的技术人员将使用一种称为换能器的手持设备,轻轻地通过待检查区域的皮肤. 

In early 2021, 应用医疗的放射科用全新的迈瑞型号替换了他们的超声波机, allowing for the production of even more high quality images for diagnosis. LEARN MORE


x光检查是一种有用且安全的程序,它使用辐射波来创建内部组织的图像, organs and bones. X-rays can be used to help detect a variety of conditions to include bone fractures, tumors, arthritis and pneumonia. While X-rays do expose you to a small amount of radiation, the amount is too small to cause you any harm. As an extra precaution, 在检查过程中,不需要成像的身体部位将被铅屏蔽罩覆盖. LEARN MORE

Nuclear Medicine

Some services may require precertification. For more information, please contact our Radiology Department at (912)367-9841, ext. 1240